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How To Heal Your Inner Child

Updated: Oct 18, 2022

We all have a child inside us, and the truth is that we can't ignore it any more. The world has changed so much since I was a child that it's almost impossible for people like me to relate to what it was like back then. But if you're still struggling with your inner child or want some guidance on how to heal from childhood abuse or trauma, here are some tips that might help:

Recognize She Needs Healing

Recognizing that you need healing is the first step to healing your inner child. This can be difficult, especially if you’re used to thinking negatively about yourself and your past experiences.

The good news is that recognizing this will help you become aware of all the ways your childhood shaped who you are today. It will also help set yourself on a path towards healing so that one day soon (hopefully), when someone asks “how’s school?” instead of saying “it sucks” or “I hate it! I don't want to do this anymore!” we might say something like: "It's going well - I'm really enjoying my coursework."

Acknowledge Your Emotions

Recognize that you are feeling something.

It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and not notice what you're experiencing, but it's important to take a moment every now and then to acknowledge your emotions as they come. When we don't acknowledge our feelings, they can lead us into self-judgment or judgmental behavior toward others (or even ourselves). It's also important not only to recognize how we feel but also why those feelings exist; if someone were to ask me why I was crying over my lost train pass on Monday morning, I would probably answer “because I didn't want him anymore” or maybe “because he cheated on me with another woman." These are just examples—the point is that both answers are completely valid ones! If anything else comes out of this exercise (like saying "I hate my job!"), great! Feelings aren't wrong by themselves; rather than trying desperately hard not have any emotion at all during your healing process (which will likely happen anyway), try focusing instead on what causes those negative emotions in the first place: whether it's something external like stressors or internal such as fears about social situations or relationships."

Acknowledging your emotions can be a huge job in itself!

If you're like most people, it can be hard to acknowledge your emotions.

It's important not only because of how they make us feel but also because of the way they influence our lives.

But acknowledging your emotions isn't a one-time deal; it's a process that takes time and practice.

When you first start feeling something new—like anger or sadness—it might seem like the feelings will go away on their own if you don't talk about them explicitly with someone else who knows how you feel like being treated at school or work again (or maybe twice). But this is often not true! The more comfortable we are with ourselves as individuals and members of society in general, then less likely we'll need outside validation for our thoughts/feelings/emotions...or whatever else those things might be called when someone uses words instead of pictures (which is always better).

Be Gentle On Yourself

Sometimes it's difficult to be gentle on yourself. You may have been told that you're not good enough, or that you're too much of a perfectionist, so it's easy for you to become frustrated and angry with your own flaws. But being gentle with yourself is one of the best ways to heal from trauma—and also create new habits that will help you process difficult emotions more effectively.

Be kinder towards yourself by taking care of yourself first: eating healthy foods; getting enough sleep; exercising regularly (even if it’s just walking); meditating or taking yoga classes; journaling in order to express what happened during an incident (and then letting go).

Show yourself some grace

You can’t be a good parent to yourself if you don’t show yourself some grace. Give yourself some space, give yourself some time to heal, and give yourself some love.

It may sound simple but it will help in the long run.

Stop The Negative Self Talk

You can't change the past.

You can only change your future.

You can't change other people's actions or words, but you can choose to change your own actions and words.

Those negative words or phrases are helping nobody

When you feel like you can't do something, it's easy to tell yourself that you're not good enough and that no one will ever love you. But if this is your reality, then why are we even talking about the inner child?

The truth is that those negative words or phrases are helping nobody. They're making us feel bad about ourselves and holding us back from living our best lives. And they don't even come close to reflecting who we really are as people! We've all heard this before: "You should try harder." Or "It's up to me how much effort I put into it." But what does this really mean? If someone tells me I need more practice at something—what am I supposed to do? Why would they say such a thing? If someone thinks highly of themselves but doesn't know how good they actually are at something else (that happens too often), then how can anyone learn anything new from them? It doesn't make sense!

Take Care Of Your Body

Start eating healthy food.

Get enough sleep.

Exercise regularly and mindfully

Drink water daily—it's good for you!

Finally, be sure to give yourself plenty of love and compassion when you're feeling down: it's important to remember that your inner child is still there, even if she isn't as strong as she used to be.

You need to take care of your body.

It's not just that you need to take care of yourself, but also that you must appreciate the effort it takes for your body to recover.

Your inner child needs this time in order for them to heal and become healthy again. If you don't give them the space and respect they deserve, then what happens? They will continue down their journey alone until one day they are forced into adulthood by circumstances outside their control (e.g., death).

Seek Therapy

Therapy is a safe place to talk about your feelings and explore them. It can help you process your emotions, identify the root cause of your problems, and learn how to manage them so they don't become overwhelming.

Therapy provides an opportunity for you to work through issues that may have been unresolved within yourself or caused by others in your life. You'll be able to share openly with someone who understands what it's like for someone who feels hurtful things without judgment or shame—which can be difficult if people around us don't understand why we're upset at times (e.g., not being able get over certain relationships).

Therapy has been so helpful for me!

Therapy has been so helpful for me. I know that my emotions are real and valid, but sometimes I feel like it's hard to express them or let them out in a healthy way. When we're children, we get our needs met by our parents; as adults, we often have to take responsibility for our own feelings and needs.

Therapy can help you understand yourself better and find the right words to express your emotions so that they don't lead to unhealthy habits or relationships with others (including co-workers). In therapy with a therapist who understands childhood trauma from an adult perspective, you'll learn how these experiences have affected your life now—and how they can shape who YOU are today!

You have the power to heal your inner child by being kind and gentle to yourself.

You have the power to heal your inner child by being kind and gentle to yourself. You are a good person, you deserve to be happy. You're capable of doing this—and if you're not sure about yourself, remember that there are many others out there who know how hard it can be for someone like you or me.

You can do it!

Even if it seems impossible at first glance (or even after only one session), keep going until your mind feels free from the past pain and discomfort that has been holding onto your inner child for so long.

It takes a lot of work, but you can do it!

It takes a lot of work, but you can do it! As long as you're willing to put in the effort, you'll be able to heal your inner child. Here are some tips on how:

Be kind to yourself

Take care of yourself by doing things that make you feel safe or loved

Relax and let go of any feelings of guilt or shame

If you've been reading this and feeling discouraged by the work it takes to heal your inner child, don't worry! I know how hard it can be. But think of all the good that comes from being gentle with yourself and caring for your body. You'll feel better, have more energy and be able to achieve things in life that matter to you even more than covering up old wounds from past relationships or other traumatic events.

Remember that healing doesn't happen overnight but if you keep at it for a few months then eventually something will shift inside of yourself where those negative thoughts become less frequent and eventually disappear altogether!

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